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The Master´s Degree in Regional Development and Productive Systems (PPDSP) of Cefet-RJ was approved by CAPES during the 179th Meeting of the Technical-Scientific Council of Higher Education (CTC-ES), held in Brasília, between days September 24 and 28, 2018. And it had, with ORDINANCE No. 486, of May 14, 2020, its recognition by the Ministry of Education.

The Program is part of the evaluation area of ​​Urban and Regional Planning/Demography in the great area of ​​Applied Social Sciences.

Mission: to contribute to regional development in its multiple dimensions, promoting improvements in the quality of life of people, services and public policies, as well as the management of production systems, through the formation of human capital capable of recognizing asymmetries and different demands territorial, and mitigate them.

The general objective of this Program is to train professionals involved with regional development, generating knowledge that enables the assessment and proposal of improvements, in multiple dimensions, to services and public policies, as well as the management of production systems.

Specific Objectives: 1) Generate knowledge about different scalar dimensions of the development of territories and production systems, stimulating environmental, social, economic, political, competitive interfaces, etc; 2) Qualify students and researchers in the analysis, proposition and intervention in local-regional-global management contexts, whether in public or private organizations; 3) Contribute, through academic research and concrete proposals, to the improvement of public service through public policies and regional development; 4) Develop studies and actions aimed at reducing asymmetries between peripheral regions and the main urban centers, providing for the improvement of the quality of life and the qualification of the regional economy.

Egress Student

The student graduated from the Program becomes a protagonist on issues related to regional development, with the ability to analyze contexts in a dimension that contributes to the improvement of the studied reality, either as a professor-researcher or as a professional involved in urban planning actions and regional.

The Program is structured around two Research Lines detailed here.

The curriculum matrix with mandatory and optional subjects can be found here.

The qualified intellectual production of the students is available here.



Coordinator: José André Villas Boas Mello

Substitute Coordinator: Julio Cesar Santos da Silva

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